Making Magic Every Day

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You don’t have to identify as a witch to add a little magical thinking to your day.

Use these four ‘spells’ as a way to slow down, attend to daily activities and be present. Instead of operating on auto-pilot, use the mundane every-day things in your life to work some magic.

  • Bless your morning drink: ask the universe for what you need from the day.

  • When you touch water, imagine the water washing away the germs, but also any negativity you’re carrying (your own internal voice and experiences throughout the day).

  • Use keys as an opportunity to visualize yourself unlocking opportunities and possibilities.

  • Imagine smoke and scent cleansing the spaces around you. Let the smoke carry away the bad, making space for the good.

Use these four spells to stay present in your life and invite the energy you want around you.

Lavender Smudge Bundle and Spirit Eye Protection Balm. are good tools to help with your daily practice and meditation.