Restore: A Yoga Pose for Everyone

Feet Up the Wall Pose: Viparita Karani | A Recovery Pose for Everyone

Viparita Karani is often called Legs-Up-the-Wall Pose, but viparita actually means "inverted," and karani means "in action." We can interpret that to mean that the pose inverts the typical actions that happen in our bodies when we sit and stand. There are many benefits to inverting the actions in your body. 


On the surface, nothing seems to happen, but by quieting your mind, tuning in to your breath, and inverting your legs up the wall, a lot of change is working INSIDE.

  • Muscles along the back of the body are gently stretched: neck, shoulders, backs of the legs

  • reating a positive circular loop for blood and lymph refreshes the circulatory system, and drains lymph

  • Fresh blood moves toward the brain

  • Reduces edema of ankles and knees

  • Drains the pelvic region of congestion

Lay on the floor (on a carpet, rug, blanket if needed) 
Slide your legs up the wall
Your bottom should come up to the wall

Check in with your breathing, calm your mind

Lay with arms out to the sides
Start with 5 minutes and do up to 15 minutes daily

Variations include providing support for the wrists, using a chair or ottoman for supporting the knees if straight is uncomfortable, a blanket under the hips, tipping the pelvis gently down.

For more about Legs Up the Wall Pose, read THIS.

photo: Erica Treais
model: Rachel Vurpialat
on location: The Collective at True North

 (Edited to remove “The Collective” as they are closed

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