You Can Make It Yourself

I know that stuff won’t make me happy. It won’t make you happy. Well, sometimes the pretty little things bring pleasure. But on the whole it isn’t the stuff. It’s the way we interact with the world. The ways we get filled up, restored and inspired.

We have to take some responsibility for that. Physical health takes work. We prioritize it and it’s linked to emotional health. But we ALSO need to make our mental welfare a priority. Seek Out those activities (and things) which bring us pleasure: Engage with them. Exercise that muscle-Live the Little Things - Make our own happiness.



The brain is resilient, and works a bit like a muscle. The muscle resists change and complains and aches until it builds up with practice. Our brains are a little like that too. The brain gets complacent, lazy and comfortable. It will complain about change.

But with practice, like with that muscle, it gets easier: Make some happiness for yourself. There is some science behind what can help boost your happiness. In fact, Yale University’s most popular class is The Science of Well-Being. And you can sign up -

I recently asked a client about her strategies for coping in winter: dry brushing, walking in the woods, orgasms, yoga and coffee with friends made her list.

My list includes collaboration with colleagues, getting to the gym, knitting socks and ‘nesting’.

Make yourself a short-list of the easy activities that bring you pleasure and keep updating as you find more- noticing is the first step on the way to happiness.

Alchemy, LLC 2018-2023